Queen Sono is an upcoming South African crime drama web series created by comedian-turned-director Kagiso Lediga and is being executive produced by Tamsin Andersson. The series follows Queen Sono (Thusi), a highly-trained spy who must juggle dangerous missions with changing relationships in her personal life. It’s the first of several new original series Netflix has planned for Africa as it expands its international market.
“We are delighted to create this original series with Netflix, and are super excited by their undeniable ability to take this homegrown South African story to a global audience,” Lediga said. “We believe Queen Sono will kick the door open for more awesome stories from this part of the world.” Queen Sono is set to air on February 28, 2020, only on Netflix.
Another statement came from Netflix’s director of international original films, Funa Maduka who told in an interview that, “Such moves are just the beginning for the streamer’s plans for the continent.” She added, “Africa is the birthplace to one of the oldest storytelling traditions in the world. It also has a rich cinematic history, the talent is here and we want to present ourselves as an option as they choose the best path to connect their stories with audiences.”
Netflix’s vice president of international originals, Erik Barmack, told South Africa’s IOL that: “Taking talent like this and telling stories to the rest of the world puts Pearl in the same category as other strong female characters like Claire Underwood in House of Cards and Jessica Jones.” He said that more original content from Africa will likely be on the way. “Over time our roots will get deeper in Africa and South Africa, and we’re moving pretty quickly to that now, and plan to invest more in local content,” Barmack continued.
“Queen Sono” stars veteran South African actress Pearl Thusi, who tweeted in an emotional video Monday that she “cannot wait for for…every woman on this continent, and actually on this planet, to meet Queen Sono.” Of the deal with Netflix, she added: “It’s going to change the game for every artist on this continent.”
Along with Thusi another main cast in the series will be Vuyo Dabula as Shandu (Five Fingers for Marseilles and Avengers: Age of Ultron), Sechaba Morojele as Dr. Sid, Kate Liquorish as Ekaterina, Khathu Ramabulana as William, Enhle Maphumulo as Nova and Abigail Kubeka as Mazet (Letoya Makhene). Chi Mhende, Loyiso Madinga, Rob Van Vuuren, Connie Chiume, Otto Nobela, and James Ngcobo are few more names performing in the series whose characters are not disclosed yet.
Netflix has published a video on December 10 to announce the air date of the show along with a few lines description, “A highly trained South African spy (Pearl Thusi) must face changing relationships in her personal life while taking on her most dangerous mission yet.” The teaser shows Thusi walking up and taking a seat on the throne shown in the poster. She ends the teaser by giving a wink. Check out the teaser above.